072210. A long time ago (a few weeks, at least), in a magical land far far away called Montana, the universe was apparently dealing with some “issues” and needed to let off a little steam (in the form of a freak summer hail storm).
And the Cowboy’s cottage
was caught in the melee.
It sort of looks like
someone was using the side of the house for target practice, doesn’t it?
In its wake, the storm
left blown out windows. Glass
everywhere (inside the house and out).
Roof slices on the ground.
And 2 ½” ice pellets strewn across the ground.
It was a little nutty.
And thankfully, the LO
and the dogs and the yogini were not in the house when it happened.
We were in the car
driving home from the Post Office.
Safe and sound (minus
the shattered windshield and dented hood). Actually, I think the only one who even noticed the storm
was me … the LO was fast asleep and the dogs were fighting among themselves …
(is it wrong that I don’t miss carting the dogs around each day while we’re
here in LA?)
So now that a little
time has gone by … and the insurance adjusters have done their adjusting … and
the contractors have done their contractual assessing … now comes the fun part:
picking a new color for the house.
I realize it’s not my
But I do get to live
And I’ve been asked for
my opinion.
And even if I hadn’t
been asked, I probably would have had an opinion.
But I’m happy to have
the freedom to express it.
Because keeping opinions in can be challenging, you know?
And I would like to live
in a green house. I don’t
know about you, but when I see a green house, I just want to go in it. They’re just so inviting and warm and
welcoming. Now, not every color
green draws me in. Lime green
doesn’t do it for me. And forest
green can have too much blue in it for my personal taste.
But pea green?
Grey green?
A rich swampy green?
Mmmmm … I like it.
So I’m on a quest to
find the perfect shade of green.
And it started today on
my walk with the LO (which is when I took the above photos).
We’d like to present the
Cowboy with the perfect green before we head back to the Big Sky state.
So please feel free to send me
green pics. Because I’m hoping different shades of green are popular in different parts of this beautiful country
of ours … and I’d love to see what green looks like where YOU are!
Q: Are you having fun, yet?