081311. Because I get these updates once a month and you might not, here’s the full moon forecast from Powerpath and the School of Shamanism:
“The full moon is Saturday, August 13 at 12:58 PM Mountain Daylight Time. This is a day for gratitude, gratitude and more gratitude. This may be challenging if you are in a place of being challenged. Trust that gratitude is the best antidote for feeling small, limited, insignificant and irritated. There are heavy influences now that are bringing out aggressive behaviors and reactionary activity in others. You yourself may be feeling a bit off and not know why. Don't take anything personally and spend some time in awareness exercises and being present. Make yourself energetically available to something wonderful landing in your lap without planning, effort or obsession. In this way you move your attention away from what might be wrong and towards what you are creating that is right. And stay away from those who do not support you.”
Click HERE for more info.
And so I take an opportunity to be grateful.
Grateful for the life the Cowboy and I are building for the LO and the OLO here in the Big Sky State... even if it means we have to be apart more right now that either one of us wants.
Grateful that the SuperRents (superMom and superStepDad) are visiting and spent their week helping me get the Cottage in fighting shape. The cleaning, de-cluttering and photos are done as it goes on the market this weekend. And I’m grateful for that!
I’m grateful that during another sleep-free night, I discovered it’s raspberry picking time at the local Rocky Creek Farm. (It started 9 days ago, so in addition to being grateful, I’m also going to be hopeful there are still a few berries left to pick!)
In keeping with my newly established simple Saturday theme, this morning I’m going to convince the SM and SSD to join the LO and I for a berry-picking-adventure (just $4/lb!) ... the LO likes berries.
(photo taken EXACTLY one year and 10 days ago ... after an encounter with a bowl of mulberries ... which means it's mulberry season in Los Angeles ... so if you're in LA ... look for them at the farmer's market. There is no better berry!)
I’m grateful for so many things these days … family, old friends, new friends, health, happiness, horses, yoga, meditation, books (even in the age of the kindle), bikes, baths.
And I’m super thankful that my heart is open to new people and new experiences. May it always be so.